Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Lighting up Summer Nights with Bioluminescence: Chasing fireflies for science!

True symbols of summer nighttime fun, fireflies (or lightning bugs) give children one more reason to stay up just a little bit longer before going to bed.  Other than their obvious charm, lightning bugs can be used as a simple illustration of a complicated-sounding phenomenon:  chemiluminescence.

Chemiluminescence is the production of light as a result of a chemical reaction.  When this light occurs in a living creature, the term used is bioluminescence (or living light).  Fireflies are a great example to be seen on land (air), while many creatures who use chemicals to create light are found in the sea (remember Marlin and Dory with the anglerfish in Finding Nemo?) When they take oxygen into their bodies, the reaction begins...

Children can imitate fireflies, playing 'Firefly Tag,' with a great counting twist:  http://familyfun.go.com/playtime/flashlight-game-firefly-708235/.  To make it a bit more realistic, you can have participants come up with their own unique flash pattern, like those used by fireflies to communicate.

Another tasty illustration of luminescence (this time triboluminescence, light coming from the breaking of chemical bonds) uses Wint-o-Green Lifesaver candies.  Pass out a piece of candy to each participant, find a very dark place, and chew with your mouth open, watching a partner's mouth at the same time! The drier the mouth, the better the blue sparks! (Read a thorough explanation here:  http://chemistry.about.com/cs/howthingswork/a/aa060601a.htm)

If you love fireflies and want to know more, this is a great site to visit: http://www.firefly.org/
Stories that will light up your imagination:  The Very Lonely Firefly (Eric Carle) & Sam and the Firefly (P.D. Eastman)
Play a flashy firefly game with PBSkids' Wild Kratts:  http://pbskids.org/wildkratts/games/firefly-flash/
Official firefly themesong? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psuRGfAaju4&feature=artistob&playnext=1&list=TLR6ztTHp6kSI

What if you lit up with a single breath?  
What kind of messages would you send?